Monday, February 4, 2008

Third Stage

After the underpainting had dried, about a hour or less, I still had some time in my painting session today to start working with the Atelier Interactive. I used Green Black, Brunt Sienna, Yellow Orchre, Carbon Black, Orange, Titanium White.
I have to say that this paint handles like nothing else I have ever used. It has some of the feeling of oil, but not the draw backs of getting muddy with over use. It blends well, without the disadvantage of turpentine or getting oil paint on your hands. I do a lot of blending with my fingers, so this is really great tha I do not have to worry about getting it off.
I was going to stop here, as it was getting late and I was getting tired, but as you will see from the next post, I decided to continue. I just could not stop seeing what would happen next with the paint. It seems to be able to read what I want to do and achieve it with little to no effort. What a joy.

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